About Leo Smith World Photo - Leo Smith Photography

Leo Smith – Travel, Documentary & Landscape Photographer and Videographer

When I told people I was pursuing my passion of travel photography and documentary video around the world, I got those bemused smiles and looks of concern. I know what they were thinking – had I completely lost it? Was this a midlife crisis? 

Truth is, I shared their concerns and fears – What was my plan? Would I be safe? How could I afford it?     

My Turning Point

My turning point came with the realization that time is our most precious resource. How much time we have left is never guaranteed. Expecting to be able to make full use of this precious resource and realize our dreams in our latter retirement years (if ever) is a risky gamble. Our only guaranteed time is right now.   

For many years the media had told me the world outside of my own borders was a scary place, where bad things happen. I am embarrassed to say it, but it wasn’t that long ago that I had little desire for exploration outside of my own world.  

After traveling to and documenting a number of countries, I began to realize that the world outside of my own borders was safer and more welcoming than the media might have you believe. 


The “News” should really be called “The Bad News” since this is predominantly what is covered by news media.

A free press is a vital component of any democracy, but by it’s nature it only tends to focus on what went wrong that day, progessively instilling more and more fear into our psyches. It doesn’t cover the billions upon billions of things that happen all around the world every day that are just fine and positive. It doesn’t tend to emphasize that we all have far more in common than differences. It doesn’t mention the fact that people with less (those who are often termed “poor” by the West) are often happier, friendlier and more hospitable – often to complete strangers –  than our own neighbors back home.

I remember taking a side street in Agra, India, and walking into what seemed like a slum – open sewage, mud, a stench in the air, and trash everywhere. Then, from various doorways along this street, children came running out to greet me, huge friendly smiles and an energy for life seldom experienced back home. They just wanted to meet me and have their photograph taken. They seemed to be having so much fun!

Yes, bad shit happens around the world every day. I am not naïve, and safety is a top concern for me, especially since I usually travel solo.  But, exponentially more good stuff happens around the world each day than bad shit. Often, just as many bad things happen back home where we live — in the United States shootings are commonplace, but the human condition seems more concerned with what might happen from outside of our own borders that what is currently happening within them.  

And being able to afford to travel?  

There is a common (mis)conception that travel is very expensive, especially since a week or two vacation package to an exotic location can easily cost a few grand. But, vacation packages are or not the same thing as independent exploration. Vacation resorts are not typically where you experience a country and its culture.

I began discovering that the best places for authentically exploring and documenting traditional cultures and amazing landscapes can be the least expensive.

The Train to Machu Picchu -- Leo Smith World Photo
The Less Traveled Trail – Sacred Valley, Peru

I found that I could often live on $20 US dollars a day (in some places, more like $10 to $15 a day). This included my own room (often en-suite), meals, and land-based transport.  

And by way of a virtuous circle (the opposite of a vicious one), often the cheaper way of doing things means better, more authentic and original experiences. I typically take local transportation; eat where the locals eat; opt for homestays rather than hotels; and take the less traveled trails. For instance in Peru, on the opposite side of the Sacred Valley from the popular Inca trail, I pretty much had it to myself, and it was free! (see photo)

And Now?

I would like to bring you inspiration and learning – about travel and photography, and the world in general. If you would like to be inspired and learn more about authentic travel, photography, and the world around you, then subscribe to my newsletters and mini-documentaries. Also, take a look at some of my work from around the world.

Prints are available, and a few extra bucks will help me bring you more inspiration and learnings!. 

Cheers, Leo

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